Friday, August 1, 2014

You May Need a Root Canal and Not Even Know It

Some people would rather have a tooth pulled than deal with a Root Canal, but thanks to the advances of modern dentistry, you can be in and out of the dentist’s chair in one, or two appointments without having the pain that is normally associated with Root Canal Therapy in Fountain Valley.

Root Canals are performed by dentists to remove the dead nerve in a badly decayed or broken tooth or a tooth that has had multiple fillings. Teeth that have experienced severe trauma may require Root Canal Therapy as well.

You may need Root Canal Therapy if you are sensitive to cold and hot, are experiencing a severe toothache, or notice an abscess, which looks similar to a pimple on your Gums. Root Canal Therapy may also be necessary if you notice swelling or tenderness in the area. Dr. Peter Hagen will thoroughly examine your teeth looking for any signs of pulp damage. If nerve and pulp damage are detected, your dentist may recommend a root canal.

According to Wikipedia, the pulp is located in the center of each tooth. The pulp is made up of cells, known as odontoblasts and connective tissue.  

The main function of dental pulp is the formation of dentin. Other functions include sensory, changes in temperature, trauma, pressure, and pain. Your dental pulp is an alarm system when it comes to tooth decay and will certainly let you know if a cavity is present. However, according to your dentist, once your tooth erupts, the nerve located in the middle of the tooth is not necessary.

Root Canals can involve one appointment or additional appointments depending on where the tooth is located and how much therapy is involved. During your Root Canal Therapy, your Orange County Dentist will numb the area before placing a sheet of rubber, also known as a rubber dam, around your tooth to keep it dry. Your dentist will make an opening at the top of your tooth placing root canal files into each root canal in order to remove the pulp and the nerve tissue along with the damaging bacteria. 

After your tooth has been cleaned, your dentist will seal the area with either a temporary or a permanent filling. After the Root Canal Therapy has been completed, your dentist will place a cap or crown over the top of the Root Canal restoring it back to its original function. Without a crown, Root Canals can break or become damaged requiring additional treatment.

If you would like more information regarding Root Canal Therapy, schedule an appointment with your Orange County Dentist who can determine if you need a filling of a Root Canal.