Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Fountain Valley Dentist Says: 15 Myths and Facts About Cavities

Dr. Peter Hagen, your Fountain Valley dentist, found this article about myths and facts about cavities that he thinks would be particularly useful for his clients and readers. Tooth decay is one of the biggest problems facing people today; It is good to know what is truth and half truth about this common oral health problem:
Check the myths and facts below to find out how cavities are caused, prevented, and treated. 
1. Sugar Is the Prime Cause of CavitiesMyth, but it's almost a fact.  
The truth is, acid produced by bacteria in your mouth is the cause of cavities, says Kimberly A. Harms, DDS, an American Dental Association consumer advisor and former president of the Minnesota Dental Association. However, these bacteria are triggered to make acid when you eat anything with carbohydrates -- and sugar is a carb.  Rice, potatoes, bread, fruits, and vegetables are also carbs. 
Once the acid eats into your tooth, the bacteria “have a nice little hole to live in where your toothbrush and floss can’t reach,” says Harms. The bacteria continue to metabolize carbs and produce acids -- and your cavity just keeps getting bigger. 
Here’s an important fact. It’s not the amount of carbs you eat that causes tooth decay, but the length of time your teeth are exposed. If you eat a lot of carbs for lunch, that’s one big exposure. But if you spend the day sipping sugary drinks, that’s continuous exposure -- and much more unhealthy for your teeth. 
“We have a saying,” says Harms. “Sip all day and get decay.”

2. Exposure to Acidic Foods, Like Lemons, Causes Tooth Decay 
Fact. Acidic foods such as lemons, citrus juices, or soft drinks don’t cause cavities, but they may be putting your enamel in danger. 
"Acids can tear down your enamel and weaken your tooth," says Harms. “If you lose the enamel's protection and expose the underlying dentin, your tooth is now more prone to decay.” 
3. Kids Are a Lot More Likely to Get Cavities Than Adults 
Myth. With the help of sealants, fluoridated water, and preventive care, “we’ve actually cut decay in school-aged children by half in the last 20 years,” says Harms.However, there’s been an increase in cavities in senior citizens “because they have some unique circumstances,” she says. Some medicines dry out the mouth, for example, reducing salvia. Saliva is vital in fighting tooth decay because it helps neutralize acids, has a disinfectant quality, washes away bacteria, and helps prevent food from sticking to your teeth.
To continue reading about the 15 myths and facts of caivities, Dr. Hagen, a Fountain Valley dentist recommends heading voer to Web MD to read more:

Hagen Dental
18426 Brookhurst St., #101
Fountain Valley, CA 92708
Tel. 714.965.5255
Follow us on Twitter: @hagen_dental 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Dentist in Fountain Valley, CA Advises: 9 Ways To Prevent Bad Breath

Dr. Peter Hagen, your dentist in Fountain Valley, CA find that patients oftern times feel self-conscious about whether or not they suffer from bad breath. Since the topic is considered a touchy one, Dr. hagen found this article useful in advising people about what they can do to improve their bad breath:
Worried about bad breath? You're not alone. Forty million Americans suffer from bad breath, or halitosis, according to the American Dental Hygienists' Association. Bad breath can get in the way of your social life. It can make you self-conscious and embarrassed. Fortunately, there are simple and effective ways to freshen your breath. 
1. Brush and floss more frequently.One of the prime causes of bad breath is plaque, the sticky build-up on teeth that harbors bacteria. Food left between teeth adds to the problem. All of us should brush at least twice a day and floss daily. If you're worried about your breath, brush and floss a little more often.  But don't overdo it. Brushing too aggressively can erode enamel, making your teeth more vulnerable to decay. 
2. Scrape your tongue.The coating that normally forms on the tongue can harbor foul-smelling bacteria. To eliminate them, gently brush your tongue with your toothbrush. Some people find that toothbrushes are too big to comfortably reach the back of the tongue. In that case, try a tongue scraper. "Tongue scrapers are an essential tool in a proper oral health care routine," says Pamela L. Quinones, RDH, president of the American Dental Hygienists' Association. "They're designed specifically to apply even pressure across the surface of the tongue area, removing bacteria, food debris, and dead cells that brushing alone can’t remove."   
3. Avoid foods that sour your breath.Onions and garlic are the prime offenders. "Unfortunately, brushing after you eat onions or garlic doesn't help," says dentist Richard Price, DMD, a spokesperson for the American Dental Association. "The volatile substances they contain make their way into your blood stream and travel to your lungs, where you breathe them out." The only way to avoid the problem is to avoid eating onions and garlic, especially before social or work occasions when you're concerned about your breath. 

To continue reading this article, Dr. Hagen, a dentist in Fountain Valley, CA, recommends visiting Web MD's website here

Hagen Dental
18426 Brookhurst St., #101
Fountain Valley, CA 92708
Tel. 714.965.5255
Follow us on Twitter: @hagen_dental 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Fountain Valley Dentist Advises: Everyday Habits That Ruin Your Teeth

Teeth are built tough. However, there are certain habits that can wear down the effectiveness of your pearly whites. As such, Dr. Hagen, a Fountain Valley dentist found this article about the everyday habits that ruin your teeth particularly useful for people who are concerned with the health of their teeth. Read about what you can do to keep your smile healthy:
You plan meals, grab drinks, and play sports without giving much thought to your teeth. But you might not realize how food, beverages, and activities can wreck the health of your pearly whites. Twenty-five percent of U.S. adults over age 65 have lost all their teeth - here's how you can protect your own. 
Sugar and TeethSugar is the No. 1 enemy of your teeth, and the longer it stays in your mouth, the worse it is. Sugar is consumed by acid-producing bacteria in your mouth. The acids eat away at tooth enamel. Avoid foods like jelly candies, which stick in your teeth longer than other foods and bathe them in sugar. Dried fruit such as raisins are no better. Reach for fresh fruit instead. 

Beverages and TeethSoda is just plain bad for teeth, sugar-free or not. "You're bathing teeth in an acid environment," says Robert Sorin, DDS, clinical instructor in the department of dentistry and oral surgery at New York-Presbyterian Hospital. Club soda is harmful, too, because of its acidity, and so are juices with added sugar. 
Alcohol, even just a glass of wine, is also acidic and can erode the teeth. In addition, alcohol dries out your mouth, reducing saliva production. "Saliva bathes the teeth and helps remove plaque and bacterial accumulations from the teeth's surface. Less plaque equals less risk for bacterial acids to cause decay," Sorin says. Rinse your mouth with water between drinks. 
Other Risks to TeethIf you use your teeth to snap off bottle caps, remove clothing tags, or open plastic bags, stop immediately. Smokers should also consider how the habit affects oral health. Nicotine yellows teeth and can also cause oral cancer. Chewing tobacco is even worse because the tobacco and associated carcinogens come into direct contact with the gums and soft tissues and stay there for a long time. 
To continue reading this article, Dr. Hagen your Fountain Valley Dentist, recommends heading over to Web MD:

Hagen Dental
18426 Brookhurst St., #101
Fountain Valley, CA 92708
Tel. 714.965.5255
Follow us on Twitter: @hagen_dental 

Friday, February 1, 2013

Hagen Dental Featured In Fountain Valley Living!

Hagen Dental was recently featured in an issue of Fountain Valley Living, which highlighted all the areas of our practice that make it one of the best destinations for dentistry in Orange County. Here is the full text of that article. To read the article at the Fountain Valley Living website, follow this link.

A dentist’s office is not usually the place that you think of as either relaxing, or necessarily environmentally friendly.  Yet these are two of the attributes that set HagenDental in Fountain Valley apart from the usual perception of a dentist’s office.

HagenDental, located at the corner of Brookhurst and Ellis, had several concerns for their patients and the environment when they designed and built their offices there in 2010.  “We wanted our patients to have the opportunity to come for their appointments in a relaxing environment that also blended state-of-the-art treatment technologies and was time and cost efficient for them,” said Dr. Peter Hagen. With regard to the environment, the list include saving energy, less polluting, water savings and more.

After months of planning and consulting with designers and industry leaders, HagenDental designed and built the current office that provides patients the most comprehensive one-visit care possible, using state-of-the-art technologies, saving patients time and gasoline costs for repeat appointments, all in a relaxing, tropical-themed environment.  “It was, and still is, really important to us that our patients feel comfortable and relaxed when they come here. They may not see all the technology here, but they do see the softer colors, the lighting and flooring and that is important,” said Janice Hagen, co-owner of HagenDental.   

With regard to the environment, the office was designed using LEED standards, and includes:
·    Converting all patients files to digital files, saving reams of paper each month
·    Eco-friendly furniture
·    Low emission paints
·    Carpeting  made from recycled materials, and "hardwood" flooring actually made from recycled vinyl
·    Cabinets and partitions that are made of approved recycled materials
·    Lighting that relies heavily on natural light and motion sensors that control the rest of the lights
·    A waterless vacuum system with in­line metal scavenger, saving 500,000 gallons of water annually and preventing currently allowed toxic metals from entering the sewer.
·    State-of-the-art dual air compressor system that allows system to run at 50%
capacity when needed, saving electricity and emissions.

Patients at HagenDental may not realize all the environmentally friendly concerns that surround them at the time of their visit, but they do appreciate the softer pastel colors on the walls, the relaxing music that fills the air, and of course the friendly staff.  “The interior of the office was my wife’s design. She has the eye for that. I was focused on the one-visit technology that patients have come to appreciate.  It saves them time, stress, and of course expenses,’ said Hagen.

That comes with the equipment that is used in the office. That equipment ranges from fully computerized 3-D images of a patient's mouth to equipment that provides a patient with complete restoration in one visit.  We will detail this equipment that minimizes a patient’s trauma and expense in the second profile here in a few days.

Hagen Dental
18426 Brookhurst St., #101
Fountain Valley, CA 92708
Tel. 714.965.5255
Follow us on Twitter: @hagen_dental