Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Cross off Your New Years Resolution List with a Check Up in Fountain Valley

Your Fountain Valley Dentist Dr. Peter Hagen and his staff are just as guilty as you are of over-indulging during the holidays. Tighter fitting skirts and jeans that will not zip are just a couple signs that you may have had too much Christmas cheer. You may think that your New Year’s resolutions, which include weight loss and exercise, are complete, but if you are really trying to take a positive approach to your mind, body and spirit connection in 2014 you need to include oral health on your New Year’s resolution list as well.
Tooth decay can happen, even if you brush twice and floss once a day. Eating and drinking too much over the holidays has probably done some damage to your teeth and gums as well. The only way to be sure is to sit down with your OC Dentist for a complete check-up.

Dr. Hagen with examine your teeth and look for any signs of tooth decay. If cavities are present, your Dentist in Orange County will take care of the damage and look for any other restorations that need to be dealt with. Dr. Hagen may even recommend Cosmetic Dentistry treatments to improve your smile.

The best way to start the New Year is with a healthy grin. After your check-up, you and Dr. Hagen can discuss the next step towards a healthier smile, whether that means whitening, filling replacements, crowns, bridges, veneers or implants.

It’s January 1st and that means the start of a new year. Pick up the phone or go online and make an appointment with your Dentist in Fountain Valley today for General Dentistry or Cosmetic Dental Procedures.