Saturday, November 1, 2014

Create the Smile of your Dreams

With the holidays come lots of party invitations, and if you would rather crawl in a hole than attend your work Christmas party or the annual Thanksgiving Day meal at your sister’s house because of your smile, schedule an appointment with your dentist.

According to the American Dental Association, a healthy smile can help increase your self-esteem and boost your confidence.

When you schedule an appointment with your dentist for a smile makeover, your teeth and gums will be checked to make sure that everything is as it should be. If you do have gum issues or cavities to deal with, your dentist will fill your teeth or schedule you for a scaling and planing procedure, or refer you to a periodontist before recommending any cosmetic dental procedures.

Your dentist offers several restorative dental procedures that can improve your smile and your outlook on life. Tooth Whitening, Dental Implants, Porcelain Veneers, Porcelain Crowns, or Porcelain Fixed Bridges may be recommended. If you have always been ashamed of your crooked teeth, your dentist can find out if you are a suitable candidate for invisible braces made by Invisalign.

If you are dealing with a gummy smile, talk to your dentist about dental lasers. The tissue laser used can easily recontour gumline or gum problems. This eliminates the need for scalpels, sutures, and return visits. Because the laser is much less invasive, it is gentler. This results in less postoperative discomfort.

One of the most amazing cosmetic dental procedures is only offered by a few dentists in Fountain Valley. Dr. Peter Hagen can give you a brand new smile in as little as one appointment using computerized dentistry and an amazing restorative technique known as CEREC.

This innovative technology available in Orange County can restore your smile back to its natural beauty and strength in as little as one dental appointment. With CEREC you can have your old fillings replaced, that chip in your tooth repaired or that gap filled between your front teeth.

Stop avoiding parties, social events and people, and schedule an appointment with your dentist in Orange County who can help you create the smile of your dreams. Call now.